
What Happened?

I got home and came right in here to write an article on ADHD. I was looking for a book I was going to use for reference, and I looked under my bed and there was an electrical cord tangled under a storage container. I didn't recognize it, and started pulling on it to see what it went to. I tugged until my blood pressure monitor fell off another storage container. When I saw it, I remembered that I was supposed to be keeping 2x daily track of my bp, per dr's orders. So glad I remembered. So for the first time in about a month, I took my bp. It was high, 165/101, but not as high as it sometimes is. I was wondering exactly how high is high enough to warrant a trip to the ER, so I went online to Google the info. So I ended up on WebMd, and on the home page, there was an ad for one of their slideshows: "Identifying Bad Bugs and Bug Bites." Well, I caught this huge Black Widow Spider the other day and have it in a jar outside, because I was going to take it to Bays Mountain Nature Park to see if the guy there thought it was an extra large Black Widow. I'm sure he would have thought so, but now when I went outside to get the spider in the jar, it seemed to be much smaller than I remembered. The spider appears to have gone on to it's happy web in the sky, and it's shriveled up and is much smaller now that it's it's .... not alive. But, I thought when I caught it....hmmm...I'm not sure I could identify a Brown Recluse Spider, there are so many light brown spiders after all. SO, this afternoon I saw my opportunity to correct that. I clicked on the Bugs slideshow, and started looking at these bugs. Go there and you'll see how easy it is to be sidetracked!

I used my google snippet tool to keep one of the photos in case one of those spiders finds me and one of us needs help in identifying the other. I had completely forgotten about the violin shape on the Brown Recluse! Can you imagine?


So anyway, I wound my way back to the Hypertension site, by way of updates on new ADHD medications, and I saw that I definitely need to watch my bp closer, but not run to the ER. And about those adhd meds....       JAN





  1. Ha! That was funny. By the time I got to the end I wasn\'t sure if it was about blood pressure, bugs, or ADHD. Good job!!!

  2. Umm Im thinking that it was about all three there Angie. LOL  Yes keep a watch on that blood pressure Jane.

  3. your blogs sometimes remind me of the "Family Circus" cartoons where Billy starts out to go someplace and takes the round-about way to get there.   makes me smile to know that i\'m not alone in my wanderings...  =D

  4. BP is certainly something to keep an eye on. Nevertheless healthy food, a lot of excercise and a stress-free mind are also very helpful "drugs" whereas all those chemicals DO have side-effects that are sometimes even worse ...
    Do you know that only 10% of all drugs are necessary and all the rest are duplicates, triplicates, expensive copies, or even useless products ... but the pharmacological industry needs them to thrive !!!
    It is not always easy to implement the above, one needs some "courage" to say NO to a nice cake with cream and sugar a galore or to a big and fat barbecued T-bone ... but well ... in the end it may be "interesting" to give a new way of life a serious try ...
    Take care,

  5. I believe I would have preferred meeting your Black Widow in "less than alive" condition.  An unidentified spider once tried to kill me (sometimes they\'re a little overconfident in their abilities) but managed to bite in exactly the right place to numb two fingers for well over a month.Peace, Doc
