
North Dakota Turtles

There was a very important turtle. He was brave and was a leader of some sort. I explained to people he was like that because he was from North Dakota. I had to explain he was a turtle, not the common huge tortoise that lived in the desert of ND, and that was accompanied by the scene of a hot, dry, desert with cliffs.  Yeah, just dreamin' again.

For the past few weeks, in at least one, usually more, of my many nightly dreams, my car has broken down. Oh my. I lay there half awake and change the dream, I fix the car. I'm hoping it will change the way I think. Or I'll at least learn to fix cars.


I was speaking Spanish in a dream, and I remembered LOTS of Spanish from school. In my awake time, I don't.     J

1 comment:

  1. Did you find out where the heck the spare is? Is it the inflatable kind?Why is it the jack never seems to be complete or too short(?)LOL you are so funny.
