Pat had knee surgery today. The doc didn't know until he got in there what was wrong. She had torn cartiledge along with arthritis. I'm sure she'll post tonight about it. Everything went well, no problems at all. She's sleeping and I just put a pot of beef stew (her favorite meal) on. I'll make some cornbread in a little while, and maybe a cake. I think your supposed to have cake after surgery, right? I know I sure want some, and I wasn't even very close to the operating room. I had some fairly major surgery over a year ago, and she was really good to me. Then with my car wreck in October I was out of commission for a few weeks too. I rent a room here, and love to be by myself. Funny thing, after my car wreck I didn't want to be alone. I practically moved into the living room on the couch for about 2 weeks.
Pat's had 3 surgeries on her shoulders, so she's a pro at post-op healing. Her Puppies are going nuts not being able to jump around on her bed though! Sabi, the older dog curls up next to her and tries to take care of her. The Puppies do not do that. lol. Jan
Hope she\'s up and around quickly with no pain or complications! What a friend you are. You can come live in my living room if you\'re gonna cook for me. I won\'t charge ya rent.
ReplyDeleteWhenever I have surgery, thankfully it\'s only been thrice, I crave milkshakes. Strange. But cake sounds good too! I love to eat LOL
Dogs (and cats too) feel when we are not well and they show us their empathy ... and this helps us a lot (in my case anyway).
ReplyDeleteWishing Pat a good recovery !
Hey, I just posted on Pat\'s space! Jan, she\'s really, really lucky you\'re such a good cousin and great caretaker -- big hug to you for that :D
ReplyDeleteFunny you mentioned cake. I made a huge batch of chocolate to take to Angie today....then I tasted it. Oh, geez, it was awful! I looked around the kitchen and saw that I\'d forgetten TWO important ingredients. Must have been half nuts to forget those. Well now the stuff is going in the trash and I\'ll start over later. It wasn\'t even edible.
I\'m heading to the shower and then to her apt. I\'ll keep you posted on Ang and you keep me posted on Pat.
Love ya, gal xoxoxo