
Happy Day To You

wow. I'm still not used to the online friend thing. Thank you so very much. You all are like a sunny day to me. Corny to say I know, but when it comes to making me feel better, that's how it is. I wrote my whiny blog and did not feel much better. I'm quite isolated and often feel alone. Then late last night and again just now, I came back and saw I was not alone. Not alone online and not alone in whining. This is amazing. I've been online since 1995. I've written programs in a couple of languages, I've made web sites for other people, I've worked in a lot of different tech support, network support, and sales departments, and I've fixed hundreds of computers. (I know that sounds like I know what I'm doing, but I just know how to find what I don't know.) Anyway, I've never had the people connection, and even online, you are more friends than most of the "friends" I've had. Thank you so so much.      Happy Day to All of Us!        Jan


  1. HUGS!! Have an awesome day!!
    More HUGS

  2. AHhhh you are so sweet. I love having you as a blog friend/buddy/whinner LOL Take care my friend and have a good week. Pat

  3. I\'ve played with computers since learning some Commodore-Basic, and with electronic stuff most of my life.  The social side of the net really came as a surprise to me, also, when I started blogging three years ago.  All I can say is, choose your friends well (you\'ll know who they are) and we\'re all getting closer as Spaces Live matures (sometimes without telling us in advance.)  Happy day back atcha.Peace, Doc

  4. What a sweet post! You are not alone anymore girl. We wouldn\'t leave ya alone now if..if.. well if you asked us to. You\'re stuck with us! hahaComputers don\'t listen too good when you whine to them..but we love ya no matter what. ;)

  5. It really is pretty incredible isn\'t it? In many cases we are people who would never encounter one another and who share little in common. This digital friendship seems to create commonalities that wouldn\'t otherwise exist and really broadens our reach to one another. I\'m diggin\' it too.

  6. It truly is amazing, isn\'t it?  I had read a few blogs before and was never even interested, I think I just didn\'t understand the concept.  Someone sent me an invitation to be her friend on Spaces Live, I checked it out and had my space set up before I even realized that what I was doing was blogging!  I\'ve met some amazing people and love and care about all the friends I\'ve made.  I check on them and get in touch with them first thing every morning.  I love it and can\'t believe I waited so long to check into what blogging really was.  I\'m glad to have you as a friend, and look forward to getting to know each other better through our blogs.  Have a great day!
