


I've seen a few blogs on sound and quiet topics lately. Instead of getting carried away writing comments, I thought I'd write an entry myself. Quiet. Living in a small town in Tennessee, you'd think it was very quiet. But it's more of a - I can't say suburban, but it's a residential neighborhood. The lot size is 1-2 acres, so we're not right on top of each other, but it's close enough to hear each other's cars, dogs, kids, etc. And close enough to traffic to hear sirens. After midnight, it's much quieter, but there are a lot of shift workers here, and young people, so there's some traffic on the street all night.

The's very narrow, barely big enough for two cars, and a horrible curves that I don't get used to. I can't see around them to see who's coming, and I hate that. I would not have chosen the house to buy for that reason alone, but...people here learn to drive on those curves as young teenagers, and they don't have a problem at all. I learned to drive in the middle of downtown Tampa, which made me a good city driver, but when I'm in the mountains, I'll pull over when I have a chance to let the locals by. They were more understanding when I got here with my Florida plates, but I guess by the time you have local plates you should be able to handle these curves and hills. And since my accident, I'm afraid of what 'might' be coming over the hill. Like a huge yellow speeding school bus.

So, anyway, back to noise and/or the lack of it. I lived in a little beach town in Florida, close to St. Pete, where I heard gunshots most nights. I've lived in city and rural environments. The noisiest place I ever lived was also the most rural. There were no houses or people for almost a mile. I rented, but it was on several acres of land, and came complete with a swimming pool, a pond, and 20 head of cattle. At night, the sound was deafening. The frogs and toads at the pond. Oh my. With the windows open, you couldn't hear the television. And the cows loved to come up to the bedroom window and moo in the middle of the night. Nope, I don't know why.


  1. LOL now that would make for a rude awakening! I do love the sound of the cows mooing here at night though. It\'s better than the teens who drive down the road with their music thumping loud enough to rattle the windows. We\'re 4 miles out of town but the noise from the busy road and farm equipment are ever present. I hope you\'re having a wonderful week! ((hugs))

  2. I love the sound of frogs at night, the ponds are not real close to the house, so it doesn\'t get too loud, but you can certainly hear them with no trouble at all!  I imagine they are huge big frogs, which I freak out when I see frogs, I don\'t know why, I just do.  They hop right at me and I freak!  I have been to St. Pete sooooooo many times, and I adore that place, it\'s my favorite place on earth.  To visit, that is, and right on the beach.  Gulf Boulevard, and always stayed in the Bay \'n Gulf motel in an efficiency or chalet.

  3. Your cows reminded me of one summer at my great-grandparent\'s home. It was summer and the Baptist church across the road was having a revival and right next to it was a field of cows who had recently had their calves taken from them. They were bawling and the Baptists were singing at the top of their lungs in competition. It was hilarious!!

  4. Bad mood wake you up?Peace, Doc
