

It surprised me when I cried watching Hillary's speech yesterday. I'm not really sure why it made me cry. I guess I just love her, and was sad she didn't get what she wanted, what she worked so hard for, and what she deserved. I'm not a big fan of Hillary being president, but it was our best choice in some ways. Obama is no one's best choice. McCain is the best qualified, and the most honorable and honest of the three-now two. But I don't agree with him on the issues. Do I vote for someone who says?? they will support some of the things I want? He's a liar and has been caught lying repeatedly, do I believe that he will work for things that matter to me? Or do I vote for the person with integrity and honor, even if they don't agree with what I think is important. After all, I only know what I know. I can say we all should have health care, no matter what, but I don't know what that entails or how to go about it. Private sector or government based, darned if I know. The war? Don't even pretend to know what to do. Jan


  1. I\'m not a Hillary fan but I got a little choked up during her speech, also. I don\'t have much confidence in any of them but I know I\'ll vote democrat as I tend to be a lot yellow-dog. I also choked up at Obama\'s big speech the other night. The idealism in both speeches was so promising, so enthusiastic...and then I told myself they were full o\' crap and they wouldn\'t be able to change all that much and nothing very quickly and got kinda depressed about the whole thing. Ugh. I don\'t think any of them will get our troops home as quickly as they say, or improve the price of gasoline - but I\'m gonna have to go democrat in hopes that the economy will improve. I\'m like you, though, and don\'t have a clue how to accomplish what I think is important.

  2. its sad we have such a poor lot to choose from. im sure hillary is sad she didnt get it. shes an ambitious woman. i just dont see her having the countrys best at heart. i dont see that in any of them. however emotional their speeches may appear.
    s. lizard☼

  3. When you cried it just shows me you are a very compassionate woman!! Who to vote for???? I don\'t have a clue, they are way too scary!!!!  I wish they had a selection on the ballet "None of the Above""" LOL   Anyway, you take care and have a good week. Hugs, Pat

  4. I continue to repeat a quote from the movie Network:
    "We\'re in a LOT of trouble!"
