

Last night was much better. Just the usual people after me, bees, and of course moving. I move every night. Often into the same place as the night before. A long time ago, I learned to wake myself up if I was having a bad dream, and usually it works. Not sure what was going on two nights ago when it didn't. My dreams are intense, full color, surround sound, virtual reality experiences. I wish I could reach even a fraction of that when I'm awake. Sometimes I take a nap on a day off, just for the amusement value. Really, other people go to movies, I take a nap. Steven Spielberg and Stephen King seem to direct most of them, depending on if it's a nightmare or not.
I go to a lot of the same places in my dreams. Sometimes I wonder if this is a dream, and my dreams are the real thing. Okay, I don't really, but it's an interesting version of reality.
Reality varies an enormous amount, depending on the person. A teenager living wealthy in America, a man who's schizophrenic with voices, someone with a psychosis, a woman in the Sudan, and a severe Heroin addict. They can all tell you what reality is, but their individual versions don't bear a lot of resemblance to each other.


  1. Reality does depend of the individual, and also the location.
    My dreams are in full color sometimes though I remember less of them than I used to.
    Take care

  2. Happy to hear that your dreams of late have been less severe than two nights ago, can\'t say I would want to sleep if I had nighmares like those you described.  Due to physcal problems (which are permenent) I get up two to three times each night and so dreams have been very rare for me since 1990, I used to have some doosies but I don\'t even get the good ones anymore.  Cherish the good ones and put the others as far away as possible.  Good Sleeping.

  3. Oh yes, you\'re very right about individual reality.  I\'ve heard some strange stuff, let me tell ya...and some of it from myself, lol.
    Bees, now that\'s different.  I\'m with you on the full color, surround sound bit, but I like it.  It\'s like you say, just like the movies. Lol, you\'re making me think now and that\'s not always a good sign. I\'m thinking about the "good" dreams -- daggone, it\'s been forever since I had one of those. Drats.  I guess my teen days are really over, sigh. I wish I could send you mine because most all of them are so funny that I\'m told I laugh loudly and nonstop through them. Unfortunately when I try to tell somebody what it was about, it gets all mixed up and they always say, "I guess you had to be there".  Yep, you had to.
    (In answer to your question about my break-in dream, it was in 1987, and tg I\'ve never had one as bad as that again.)

  4. Good that you are able wake up when the dream gets too bad. I did not want to suggest this last time as I though this may be considered as stupid. I have a tendancy to do so when bad "souvenirs" pop up ... I "ask all those ghosts" to go back to the place they belong to and leave me in peace ... usually it works, even if sometimes I have to repeat the request in a less polite way !!!
    I also have colored dreams ... sometimes recurrent dreams ... or dream of something one night, and the next "episode" ... the night thereafter ...
    This being said ... have a nice DAY !!!
    Hugs from Belgium.

  5. Good morning, Jan!  Thanks for the message.  I\'m glad you a better night\'s sleep.  Actually, it sounds like you have amazing dreams.

  6. Thank you for your kind comments. I crashed early last night and didn\'t get on spaces. So today I see I was tagged, and I\'m going to try to answer that now.    jan
