I came home from work and took a nap. 4 hours. Is that a nap or am I done for the day/night? I feel better though. Every now and then you just gotta indulge in some good sleep.
I've been wrestling with the asthma/bronchitis stuff for a month or so, but I did go months without it. Then the day before Spring, I had had a cold, and was getting worse so I went to the doc, hoping to head off the circle of respiratory stuff. Too late, bronchitis and pneumonia. Almost made it all the way through the winter. I wish I had answers for this stuff. I do NOT want to be on meds full-time. They are saying that's what I need to do, but I just think I have so much time without symptoms, I'm not ready to take pills and steroid inhalers every day. I have lung damage and asthma from growing up in a house where both parents smoked. I never smoked. My parents both smoked 2+ packs a day, but we didn't have money for proper groceries or medical help, bought a lot of our school clothes at Goodwill, etc...but they had money for cigarettes. NOT that I'm ANGRY or anything. lol. I know we all make mistakes, they made them and so do I. Just different ones. My brother has similar respiratory issues, but my 2 sisters do not. Go figure.
Hey, it was in the 80's yesterday, bright and sunny. Gorgeous. It's going to snow tonight! I love the changes. Love them! Supposed to have snow the next couple of days, doubt it stays on the ground long after the warm weather we've had. Oh, I just heard the news, it's snowing now in the area. I'm in the northeast corner of Tennessee, in the mountains. Kingsport. Gorgeous place. But Eastman is heck on my asthma, I'll tell ya.
I know what you mean about nicotine addiction. I stopped smoking 25 years ago and have never had a severe bout of bronchitis since. We have banned smoking in public here - not before time in my opinion. The ban on manufacturing cancer sticks cannot come soon enough. A friend in NB is up to her knees in snow following the weekends blizzard. Enjoyed your pics will put my holiday snaps in my blog mid may !! Take care.