Thanksgiving tomorrow. I had a piece of pie as a warm up this evening. It's important to practice for important events. I thought my daughter and grandson in Newport News were going to come for Thanksgiving. I'm bummed that she has to work, but that means they'll be able to come closer to Christmas. That's the hardest thing about living here. I like the area so much, but I'm away from all my kids and grandkids. If they lived in the same area, I'd move there, no matter where it was, but they're scattered, so I stay put. I keep hoping they'll move here.
I'm cooking tomorrow and then I get to go to my Aunt's on Saturday. TWO Thanksgivings. I love going to my Aunt's and hanging out with my cousins and their spouses and kids. And last time there was a puppy there! Never did find out who he belonged to, not sure he knew either. jan