

I can't believe it's been this long since I was here. I'm off all weekend, looking forward to seeing what everyone's been up to. Thank you so much for the medical comments.I'm feeling good right now. It's funny how for me, and probably for most of you, we become a part of each other's lives, even in a small way. Seeing certain things, a certain bird, or cattle, or a Canadian license plate...even plates from states that different friends on here live in, I automatically think of you. I was describing a certain kind of bird feeder that I want to make to Pat, and I said, "Like in Kimmy's pictures", and she immediately knew what I meant. Love you all!    Jan


  1. Glad ya feelin\' good, and welcome back!!!!

  2. Hey, missed you. So glad you are back. Hope you are feeling better.  When you described what was happening with your pain, I have the same thing. I have not been to the dr. yet, putting it off thats what I do best. Take care and have a great week-end. Hugs my friend, pat

  3. Im glad your feel good right now.  I know I dont know you that well, but I was a little worried with you having not been on here.  It is funny how you see things regarding certain spacers and it reminds you of them.  Hope you have a great weekend off!!

  4. I missed you, Jan!  It\'s good to hear from you.

  5. Definitely good to read that you\'re feeling a bit better.  When you say that we care about each other, you hit on at least two posts I\'ve done and why I don\'t generally accept "friends" requests from people who have never commented, have closed sites, etc.  I would much rather belong to a smaller group where most people know and care about each other than be a friend collecter with 500 or 600 "trophies."  Have a great Sunday.Peace, Doc

  6. Glad you are feeling good and I apologize for not stopping by while in the states for dinner. lol.

  7. yeah for feeling better!!!!!  have a good time catching up on everyone\'s blogging... it took me days of fun reading when we came back from our last vacation... =D

  8. have been away from blogging for a while, and just checking to see how things are west of me in Tennesee! Hope you are well Jan, and looking forward to a nice easygoing weekend!
    hugs hugs,
